Tag: covid-19

  • This week in pandemic history: Thanksgiving

    This week in pandemic history: Thanksgiving

    I’m currently reading the new collection of Alan Rickman’s diaries. My writer-brain often absorbs tone and voice from what I read, and it’s been interesting to observe the melding of my journaling cadence with Rickman’s. It’s also been interesting to dig into the content itself. I suppose I expected something a little more distilled, based…

  • Late-pandemic thoughts: please talk to me about work

    Friends, it’s been a minute. I make no excuses. 2021 is the year I stop pretending this space is anything other than a more professional, less coming-of-age-angst-y incarnation of my early-2000s LiveJournal. Blogs felt so different then. They allowed us to step into the writer’s mind and process life through their lens. Terms like SEO,…

  • An office switcheroo to help salvage pandemic productivity

    I haven’t posted at all since the pandemic began. Like most of us, I have complicated feelings about many things. However, I’ll jump back in with something lighter: how I’ve adapted my physical workspace to our new life. I used to have exclusive domain over my home office. This didn’t always feel like a blessing,…