Jaclyn Paul / Lena George

author. mom. nerd. lover of mountains, rime ice, and cloud inversions.


  • Writing retreat: August 2021

    In my previous post about writing retreats, I talked about what they mean to me, how they support my writing process, and how that’s changed over the years. Now I’ll share some nuts and bolts about my August retreat with my best friend in Maine. I want to post this kind of thing more often…

  • Reflecting on writing retreats, and how their meaning has changed over the years

    I like to share about my writing retreats on here (hopefully to inspire others!), and I just discovered my notes on our August retreat buried in the Notes app. Oops! In the spirit of better late than never, I’ll share a bit about the retreat itself in a separate post, and reflections on what writing…

  • My editing process: blog post opening

    I occasionally share tidbits of my writing process with my Patreon crew, but today’s share felt like a blog post. So here we are! I’m going to show a little window into my blogging process. Many of my posts here are casual and off-the-cuff. Not so with my ADHD Homestead blog. Every ADHD Homestead post…

  • Late-pandemic thoughts: please talk to me about work

    Friends, it’s been a minute. I make no excuses. 2021 is the year I stop pretending this space is anything other than a more professional, less coming-of-age-angst-y incarnation of my early-2000s LiveJournal. Blogs felt so different then. They allowed us to step into the writer’s mind and process life through their lens. Terms like SEO,…

  • An office switcheroo to help salvage pandemic productivity

    I haven’t posted at all since the pandemic began. Like most of us, I have complicated feelings about many things. However, I’ll jump back in with something lighter: how I’ve adapted my physical workspace to our new life. I used to have exclusive domain over my home office. This didn’t always feel like a blessing,…